Wide loads can be a recurring logistical headache for delivery drivers in the best of circumstances. But while other hauliers reach for the aspirin, the Onpoint operations team mobilise for action.
Planning and preparation is the key to our success. Our microscopic attention to detail will ensure that road bridges, road blocks and red tape are negotiated with the minimum of fuss and inconvenience to our client.
Our team of experts bring to the table years of experience in the fast and cost-effective delivery of awkward and unwieldy consignments.
No load is too wide, no component too tall. At Onpoint, we love a challenge.

Our microscopic attention to detail will ensure that road bridges, road blocks and red tape are negotiated with the minimum of fuss and inconvenience to our client.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of logistics in today’s bustling marketplace. Businesses can rise or fall on their ability to transport and manage their products and materials as quickly, safely and economically as possible.
No consignment too large, none too small. Time-critical or high value – we offer a flexible and competitive service that is the envy of our competitors.
For many years now, Onpoint Logistics Ltd have been guiding their clients through the logistical labyrinth generated by the day-to-day demands that confront any successful or emerging business.