The top brass at Onpoint are not of the shy and retiring variety. While some Company Directors enjoy a little down-time with their employees on the local pitch-and-put course, or even a spin around the nearest go-karting track, Onpoint’s Managing Director has taken staff bonding to an altogether higher level – literally!
Agent Carl Delaney, Onpoint’s very own Milk Tray man, left his staff stirred but not shaken, after accompanying them on, of all things, a skydiving day!
One can only imagine the look of surprise and trepidation on the faces of Onpoint employees Alex Bush, Ciara Delaney, Chris Rodes, Michelle Knott, Chantel Drakeley, Daniel Whitham and Callum Gourlay, on their arrival at the Neveravon Military Jump School & Parachute Centre, Wiltshire, to find that there was not a pitch-and-put course anywhere to be seen…..!
Fortunately, the man in the suit and tie, co-running a global distribution company, was amply qualified to lead this intrepid band of adventurers on the trip of a lifetime. Indeed, rip of his shirt (not actually recommended) and you may well find a bright blue leotard with a large ‘S’ emblazoned on the front.
Carl Delaney’s CV is impressive. Before assuming the reigns as Onpoint’s Managing Director, he served Queen and country in the British Army with the Royal Green Jackets. During the “troubles” in Northern Ireland in the 80’s and 90’s, Carl served on the front line, completing three tours of duty. To this already impressive record you can add tours of Bosnia, Kenya, Canada, Cyprus, the Middle East, and two tours of duty in the Falkland Islands.
Carl served at various times as a Reconnaissance Platoon Sniper, a Small Arms & Tactics Instructor, and an Assault Pioneer, earning army campaign medals for many of the above exploits.
Having “done his bit” for his country, Carl promptly retreated to a peaceful and well-deserved retirement, away from the threat of sniper fire and IEDs….NOT!!!
In the volatile and politically charged climate of the time, Carl headed to Iraq, where he worked during the war as a private contractor, protecting Foreign Office personnel on the ground.
Fast forward to the present day and the exploits of Onpoint’s in-house daredevil are mainly confined to his keyboard, and the only hazards he now faces are those associated with the daily running of a global logistics company….almost.
Despite having a CV which resembles an application for the role of Secret Agent Double O something or other, Carl’s gaze has turned across the pond to the fertile opportunities offered by our American cousins. In Lake Elsinore, California, he recently took his adrenaline addiction to new heights, earning yet more qualifications, this time in skydiving – Accelerated Free Fall and FS1 Formation Sky Dive Level 1.
It seems that Carl still hears the call of the wild and feels the need, every now and then, to blow away those administrative cobwebs. And what better way to do that than by launching himself out of a plane at 15,000 feet. And if he can pass on that baton to Alex, Ciara, Chris, et al, there’s only one thing left to say…..GERONIMO!!!